Wednesday 29 February 2012

Hur Cut!

Yupp I got my hair cut today, at a nice new hairdressers with a banging opening offer!!! £10 for a cut, blow and a head massage. I was in seventh heaven!!!! And she knew how I wanted my hair! See What it is I have been trying to get an indie cut for ages now, well my first hairdresser, she did try bless her little cotton socks she really did. But well I dont think she knew what I was on about. And she is younger [a lot!!!] younger than me. So I thought she might have a slight clue but erm nope. But when I went to this new hairdressers today, even if I did have to stand out and wait in the cold for her as I  only found out that the salon opened at 11am not earlier. I explained what I wanted and she went through a consultation with me, which is something new!
   After the dreamy head massage and the lush smelling shampoo, she got on with it and all I can say wow, I am totally in love with this cut!!! Nice fringe, perfect top and sides. I wanted to hug her and say thank you prefect cut!!!! But I didnt want to embariss her by doing that. So I gave her a tip which was all the shiny pennies in my wee purse, which only came to a pound. But when I go back in 6 weeks she will get a bigger and I mean bigger tip!!!
   And the sun is now shining as well, so I feel even more happier today. Plus my parcel from approved foods came and it was full of goodies just for the family. So My day is ending up perfect!!!!
 Ohh I did order this thing for removing facial hair called well I dunno its in japanese!!!! Lets just say the "amazing springy hair removal device" And I cant wait to use it it only caost £2.99 and people on amazon rave about it, so I have decided to have a go and see what it does!!!

Tuesday 28 February 2012

They Have Moved Me Again

  I went to do my morning run as usual yesterday morning, but to my shock horror I had been moved to another school!!!!! No warning, no would you like to move just a basic, you will move!!!! This kinda annoyed me as I didnt know anything about the kids I was carrying or who my driver would be nothing!!!! So I got more and more upset with myself and Kept saying to myself over and over I will have to say no more I really must!!!!  The run went fine yesterday afternoon, but come this morning, it was a total nightmare!!! Got them to school, did know were they had to go or what class they should be in. I kept asking staff and well I may as well have asked a wall. The same goes for my colleagues or so called. And the mucky looks I got was disgusting. So I got out of there as quick as I could in a state, rang my boss shouted at him and told him I did not appricate being treat like a moron!! He told me to calm down and he was sorry as there was some vital infomation he had meant to tell me yesterday!!! Gee Thanks boss. So I am still upset, I am sat at home licking my wounds. And yes he is doing to get another call tonight telling him, I am not doing it for the rest of the week!
  It was like organised madness on a grand scale!!! I could have just have walked out and not gone back after today. But I did a rant to my Dh and my BFFS. And I feel semi human yet again!!!
   thrifting was good today. I got a pair of hardly worn MBTS for £4.49. A nice glass water pitcher I had my eye on reduced to 60p, a pudding bowl to store my lovely fruit for 99p. A long cardi for 3.99 and a chiense style Liz Clareborne jacket for £4.49. Oh and some little ornaments from lands end for 1.50 each!!! But I cannot wait as car boot season is comming upon us and I am in it for the bargains!!!!! I am starting to save up loose change so I can use it at a car boot. Which is a good tip, instead of the trader going I dont have any change and looking rather glum about it. I can go here you go my good man the right money just for you!!!!! And then sometimes I might get a bit extra knocked off!!! ROLL ON THE CARBOOT SEASON!!!!!

Saturday 25 February 2012

Ohh for Saturday

After being poorly for the week, I ended up in my local high street. Well it was to meet my mum and to do some charity shop shopping!!!! How I have dreamed of this day lol, but there was one thing holding me back and that was............................NO MONEY!!!!!!! AGGGGGGGGH. So I had to ask my darling husband to give me some so I could go out to the shops with my mum.
   So with the serious lack off cash, I totled in to town. And I had to buy a £15.00 bottle of car shampoo!!!! For my brothers birthday on Tuesday. SO that took my funds down to an all time low. So I had to choose my choices carefully and I mean CAREFULLY!!!!!!!!!!! So I went to my usual choices A couple of cardis, a couple of tops and some lovely bits of china. But no spotty jug!!!! I did pick up a lovely plain jug and a tankard with love is........... Do you remember love is...................? Those cute and cheeky boy and girl Characters with lovely sayings underneath. So  for one pound how could I leave it there?
  Mum isnt very happy with my charity shop pickings. But I told her to have totally different tastes to her and I mean different!!!! But she didnt she stop me. I got a granny style cardi, but it looks more like a jacket which I am going to wear with jeans or a dress. And that only cost me a pound. So I am a very happy bunny and I even bought the family some bits!!! So a good day was had by all!!!!! Did you find anything exciting today???

Thursday 23 February 2012

Sicky Vicky

  Well I havent had a good past couple of days. Tummy ache to die for and were on earth does all that sick come from? Ideas anyone? I feel like I want to die and I mean I want to die, but of course work wont leave me alone. Can you still work? Nope, but in todays ecconomy we have to work.
    All I want is to sleep but it even seems that the husband is in on the act!!! Grr all I want is to be left alone and to rest for the day, but ohh no I have to call work at lunch and let them  know what is happening. I dont think so, they can call me. I will be asleep in th land of zzzzzzz.
   So I have been pretty quiet this week doing the odd thing here and the odd thing there, but of course nothing major arty wise, even though I have wanted to, but I did buy a craft book and a pair of stork sissors which I have been lusting after for ages!!!! All I am waiting for my magic packets of washi tape and I will be forever in craft land ohh joy to the joys of washi tape!!!!! I love the stuff have never ever had enough ideas as to what to do with the stuff!!!! But now all I dream of is bunting and what I could do with those little strings of joy!!!!! Have you ever used washi tape, if so what did you make with it?? I would love to know!!!

Tuesday 21 February 2012

37 Today

 Well I havent been writing for a while as I have been down with a weird kind of bug which always happens when I go to leeds to visit my twin. I feel sick and most times I am sick!!!! And worn out, like a flat battery!!! I am only starting to recover now!!!! But today is my 37th birthday horray for me!!!!
   I got lots of nice presents, money and gift vouchers for my favourite craft shop. So I spent those today. As I dont know when I will get to spend them and DH offered to take me, so how could I turn down an offer like this. Plus he bought me lunch and sandwich and a cup of tea since he is at work tonight!!!!
   So me and the kiddies are going to have a lovely casserole for tea, plus it is pancake day, so that is what we are having for dessert. So my perfect birthday tea.  But sadly I am at work today so I am a bit sad today as I would have loved to have it off. If you worked for millies you get your birthday off!!
  Plus everyone seemed depressed and low. Even though the day was a nice sunny and a Bit cloudy today. But I am going to enjoy whats left of today!!! And have a slice of Colin the Catepillar and be happy

Thursday 16 February 2012

Baking Day

today I decided I would to a major bake! Well here goes I made................ gooey chocolate Cookies [giant]!!!! Some did baby cookies and some twee muffins and I was well proud of myself!!!! I love baking and I decided to take the bull by the horns and do some!!!! I feel I have made a major step forward. But I still feel shattered. I have tried to keep busy but it isnt working.
   I made my sister some hearts for her to hang round her house and I got her a mug to go with her presents for 50p out of the charity shop brand new. So her gifts are now complete!!!
 all I have to do is buy her a charm for her bracelet on Saturday.
  When I was putting some of my outfits away the wardrobe door decided to fall off and hit me!!!! I was really upset. I called hubby and told him off as I did ask him 2 weeks ago to fix it!!! So this made me have a worse day then what I was already having. So my mum came round to see me to cheer me up. And brought me some strawberries. So I am a happy bunny.

Tuesday 14 February 2012

Valentines Day

   Well today is valentines day, I got a card, an elephant, a rose and a box of chocolates off my darling Hubby, well I would have had a nice day if one of my sons hadnt decided to act like a prat and use power tools which he isnt allowed to. So bang goes my mood for romance. I wish I could have one days peace and quiet were nothing can and would go wrong.
   But does this happen ever in life??? Erm I dont think so. One day someone will whisk me away from all of this and just pamper me for once in a while!!!!
 But I am currently on my lovely jubly holidays, which I of course really need. But do I get a lie in??? Erm do I heck!!!! My youngest one woke me early yesterday and the window cleaner did it this morning. Dont people understand the terminology of 'holiday?' Answers on a postcard pls!!!!

Saturday 11 February 2012

Mum and daughter day

  Well I decided to go out with my mum this morning shopping and I really enjoyed it!!! I used to go out all the time, but I got really busy after xmas, so I couldnt happen untill now. But she is a joy to be with and we always have a giggle when we are out. She tries to keep me on the straight and narrow, but it doesnt always happen!!!! But we had a great day together. She bought me a picture and a belt to add to my birthday bag which is happening really soon!!! 10 days to be exact, I will be 37!!!!
   but swiftly moving on!!! We went to get some fish for the tank some neons. Only four as we can only build the tank up really slowly.  So they look kinda lost out in their fish tank, but soon we can have more!!! In two weeks to be exact!!! I did see some turtles, but the size they grew tooo, well they are massive!!! The size of a house turtle but they live in the tank.
    I am going out with my friend tonight for a meal, she was my driver at work, but we got split and it annoyed the pair of us. But we still see each other now and then which is great. I cant wait for a good old goss and some grub, as I havent eaten all day!!!! okay okay, not true I had a muffin and a twix....... lol but I am going to enjoy my meal out. DH is out as well with his mates, so the kiddies will be on their own for a little while, but I know they will be okay!!!!

Friday 10 February 2012

Thrifty Friday!!!

    I decided to go thrift shopping today as  I have various reasons...................... 1 I am going out with a friend for pizza and I decided I would like a new to me outfit for tomorrow, 2 I was getting withdrawl symptoms as I Hadnt really been in the village all week and I was wondering what I was missing [quite a lot, it turned out!!!!] and I have been a really good girl and I wanted a treat!!!
  So we went food shopping and then DH dropped me off into the village. I always go to my favourite charity shop as I know the girls in there really really well! I found................................A dress for tomorrow night new complete with tags for a fiver!!! So I swiped that, then I found a lovely heather coloured long sleved long length jumper new without tags for £4.00 and a couple of necklaces one of them a lovely set for under a fiver again. Then I bought a brand new sugar bowl from their new collection for £1.99 and got a free necklace, bought two little pom pom broches for a pound each as it is the charities national pom pom day and got to free goes at the raffle and won two notecard sets!!! And then I found a handbag for tomorrow night new for £2.99!!!! Also I found this cute handmade glass soda syphon and glass set for £1.99 as these were tiny!!!! And I mean tiny but I loved them and a brand new Moonson home range metal heart complete with tags for £2.99!!!!
   So that was the first charity shop, I then moved to the hospice shop and got a cute carved pen holder for 50p and a scarf with dogs on for £1.50. And the last charity shop I got some funky retro spice jars 5 for 99p!!!! I was so proud. I even carried my haul home and showed DH who seemed very impressed. I bought two pairs of brouges from a shop last week on BOGOF, so I will wear one of those pairs and team it off with one of my jackets and a pair of leggings. My BBFFS cannot wait to see. She said she is so proud of me, god I am even proud of me!!!! I love charity shops, I really hate paying full price for things. When most things in charity shops have never been worn
  I am slowly learning how to put my pictures up!!!! So watch this space and have a good friday!!!

Tuesday 7 February 2012

Do the doggie Dance

I have just realised something today, we make our dog do the daftest trick to get a treat out of us. We like to call it the ready for it................................"the doggie Dance" yes it looks really silly but Suzie looks so cute she stands on her hind legs and then does a little dance and then gets a treat. I feel for her as I feel as she can or could fall over. So I dont do this, so when hubby finds out that I dont do it, he got cross at me.
   I mean the poor pootch is ten years old and she is my BF. How would my husbad like it if I made him beg for his meals!!!! Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm maybe I should hahahaha. And see how he likes it!!!
  the perfect valentines day treat lol. Make him beg and I mean beg. But it has been a quiet day today and the past couple of days, the snow has nearly gone. Mind you there is more snow on the way yay.

Sunday 5 February 2012

Hubby And The fish Tank

Hubby has been after a fish tank for ages and today he decided he would go and buy one. After going to many fish type shops. I know they are not called that!!!! Aquatic whatever they are called!!! So after going round a few he decided to go back to the shop he went to in the first place!!!! dont you just love men!!!!!!!!!!!!
   Well it took ages and I mean ages, I mean he picked the tank and then ummed and ahhed about the finements of his wonderful fish tank. This took an hour yes an hour of my precious time, when all I wanted to go home and chill out, tidy up and bake. Which of course never ever happened today, but I did get a nice take away cup of tea and a Mc Donalds. Which gives me the tummy cramps!!!! [ when will I ever learn!!!] But I wanted something warming. Plus I promised DS one because he cleared the drive for me. Bless his cotton socks!!!
   But I do like being with him and he does make me smile. Even if we do argue over everything, But I suppose this is what married couples do!!!!!

Saturday 4 February 2012

ITS SNOWING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

agahh its snowing, it has been threatening to snow all week and then today it finally happened and boy did it snow and it is still snowing!!!!! And of course it is now laying and at looks set in for the rest of the day, but i did get some bargains a lovelt waistcoat and a short sleved top from the charity shop and I got a couple of ornaments for £1.99 for a momiji ornament. I got some funky cartoon ornaments out of my favourite  magna shop. I just love different!!!!!
    A few things I did leave behind that I wished that I had got today, like some clogs and a harpers bizzar fashion book, and two pairs of brouges for 8.99. And that is life Im affraid.
      I might go back tomorrow and get the clogs as I really like them. And I do like wearing clogs as they are super comfy to wear. I could kick myself.
   Its been a funny sort of couple of days, but I am starting to appricate the weekends even more now. DH wants a fish tank so we are going to look for one tomorrow even though we need a pc desk, chair and living room furniture and he refuses to budge on 2nd hand, even though I want retro. We have also decided to forgo the summer holiday this year as eldest DS is starting college in September and I would like to help him during his first month, I am hoping he is going to get a college job. Then he will start to realise the value of money!!!
    I hope!!!

Wednesday 1 February 2012

Ch Ch changes

 I have decided that a change is needed in my life, not a major one just a minor decorating one. I have decided that my kitchen needs the worlds biggest overhall. I dont think it is has even had one for the 3 years that we have lived in here. Dont get me wrong I like it I really do.
   Dh did a fab job of tilling it last year and even put glitery grout in, which is the best part. And I do mean that. But the rest of the kitchen is well erm........................... Dated old dark oak units and peeling wallpaper. [ okay maybe not peeling, since DH pulled it off!!! Tisk tisk! ]
  See the problem is we cannot afford to get a new kitchen, We just dont have the money. So I fancy getting the doors spray painted!!!!!!! But DH isnt keen. I want to go for a retro looking kitchen!!!! Even though I love the country style.  Can you see the quandry I am in. HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What do I do to get a cheap update. As I have a very reluctant husband, who hates DIY in any form and he wont pay anyone!!!! So what do I do? do it myself. I guess I will have to!!!!!!!